Top 10 offline database tools that are currently popular and might continue to be widely used in 2023:

  1. Microsoft Access – a popular offline database tool that is included in the Microsoft Office suite.
  2. FileMaker – an easy-to-use offline database tool that is suitable for businesses of all sizes.
  3. SQLite – a lightweight, open-source offline database engine that is widely used in applications and software.
  4. MySQL – a powerful, open-source offline database management system that is commonly used in web applications.
  5. MongoDB – a NoSQL offline database tool that is designed for storing large amounts of data.
  6. PostgreSQL – an open-source, object-relational offline database management system.
  7. Firebase Realtime Database – a cloud-based offline database tool that is suitable for building real-time applications.
  8. Couchbase – a NoSQL offline database tool that is designed for high performance and scalability.
  9. Redis – an in-memory offline database tool that is commonly used for caching and real-time analytics.
  10. Cassandra – a distributed NoSQL offline database tool that is designed for handling large amounts of data.

I hope this list helps give you an idea of some of the offline database tools that are currently popular and might continue to be widely used in the future. It’s important to note that this is not an exhaustive list and there are many other offline database tools available.

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